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How does my membership work?Members receive a box of different food items monthly. The membership also allow you to shop at our online grocery store at a discounted rate. These boxes also can have customized request.
How often does a box arrive?We send out our food boxes to our members twice a month. Members receive their boxes every second and fourth week in the month. Our members also have the option to customize their box delivery frequency at any time by request. Remember, you can shop ANYTIME at our online grocery store with your membership to get discounts.
Why Do I Have to Pay Quarterly?Are program is all about sustainability. Paying quarterly allows us to deliver quality products consistently. Most people don't understand a farmer's life. Farmer Jones and his partnering farmers must stay planned at least 6 months at a time in order to ensure we are capable of delivering quality foods. Quarterly also helps the member by allowing the ability to create new budgets for food purchasing for the next 3 months. Our goal is to eventually off set and surpass your current visits to the grocery store.
What other benefits do I receive as a member?You receive mulitple benefits besides discounts at our online store and monthly boxes sent to your doorstep. Our members also receive discounts at local resturants around the state when they present their Sweet Jones Farms membership card. We add new partners every quarter so be on the lookout for updates about where you can use your discount card.
What does my membership fee go towards?The membership fee helps the farm sustain safe farming practices. About 70% goes directly into the farm to help with proper natural organic farming guidelines. Growing all-natural food isn't cheap so the membership fee helps allow us to provide the freshest food to our members. About another 25% goes towards savings for our summer camp program and our #FarmToKitchenAcademy. These programs teaches kid how to grow food, culinary skills, leadership and more.
How does Pre-Orders work?We send out email blasts to let our members know ahead of time when we will start taking pre-orders for an item. Most of our pre-order items are beef (all cuts), honey and honey combs (twice a year) and poultry (every 12 weeks) and more. We are VERY strict about our pre-order customers meaning first come first serve! We are a farm that mainly caters to our members more than to the masses. Note: Our pre-orders sell out fast, so always be deligent about our pre-order specials.
Can I designate what I want my donation to go to?Yes! All donations are accepted. Any/all donations can be designated to an area on our farm of your choice IF needed. Most donations are monetary, but we have received gifts such as lawn mowers, tractor parts, and more! All donors are recongized at our annual partnership dinner.
Are my donations tax deductible?No. Your donations directly to the farm is not tax deductible. But, we are partnered with numerous amounts of non-profit organizations that allow our donors to make a strategic donation so it can be tax decutible. Please email or call us if you are a donor looking to make a donation and it is tax deductible for you.
Can I wholesale purchase items?Yes! We have members that are professional chefs and/or caterers. We offer bulk discount pricing for all items that are available.
Do you help build community gardens?Yes! We work with multiple partners to help those who want to make a change in the community to help build a sustainable community garden. To help with your community garden project please email with "detailed" information on what your potential project invloves.
What is the shipping process for my orders?We ship food to our non-local members in a thermafrost EPS cooler with either frozen cold packs or dry ice. Are insulated coolers fit inside cardboard shipping boxes. We make sure the food is well wrapped in foil to protect it against any postal x-ray examination exposure. If you are local, it will be delivered by our personal fleet to your doorstep.
I am a professional chef, do I receive discounts?"Yes! We work with resturants and chefs to provide the freshest produce, herbs, spices, meats and more! Please email us at before purchasing at our online store to set up your "customized" discount code.
How does Build My Garden Program Work?For our memebers that take part in our "Build My Garden" program, we come out an asses your desginated area as far as measurements, soil sampling and more to design the most self sufficent grow area as possible. We require 50% deposit and 50% after completion. The "Build My Garden" program comes with free seeds and starter plants. This option is also avaiable for commercial buinessnes and property developers. This process can take from 2-5 weeks to be completed, depending on season it could be longer. We recommend early spring to late summer. We also provide support for those who may "think" they do not have a green thumb. Anyone can grow food and our program shows that.
Do I receive a discount if I pay my membership in full for a year?Yes! We give discounts for a full year's membership payment. Discount varies on how many years of memebership fees are paid. 1-Year Full Membership Payment=3 month discount($75 value) 2-Year Full Membership Payment=6 month discount ($150 value)
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